Getting Real About Mental States and Wellness
Don’t tell me you’re okay when you’re not.
Don’t paint on the fake smile that hurts the crevices of your mouth when you feel like you can barely hold it together. Don’t nod and say you agree when you don’t. Don’t try to point out the glitter when really, your deep-rooted wounds are bleeding. Don’t feel like you have to tell me you’re okay when you’re not. So many times, society demands us to put on a mask, to hide the dark truths of ourselves and of humanity. We smile for the camera. We put the rosy update on social media. We paint on the smile and take our voice up an octave in the professional setting because that’s what we have to do. That’s what nice girls do…they never make someone uncomfortable with realities or truths that might be less than beautiful. They tuck away the dark colored paints and only display the sunshine landscape. But I’m here to say….don’t tell me you’re okay when you’re not. Because I’m a safe space to lean when things feel shitty. I’m a listening ear when your world is falling apart or you’re barely holding it together. I don’t need you to pretend you’re okay when you’re not. I don’t need you to smile through the pain. I need you to be real, to be honest, even when it’s hard. I want you to cry if you need to. I want you to tell me you’re horrible when you are. Because I think there are too many women out there who propagate this ridiculous lie that women always have to be just fine. Life is hard, and, in truth, we’re always just seeing a tiny glimpse of who someone else is. But I think, especially as women, if we can bust up the ridiculous notion we must always smile, must always say we’re okay even when we’re not, must put on the high heels and just muscle through…if we can say no to that facade and, instead, be courageous enough to be honest…well, that’s when we can change things. That’s when we can save things. Because I think so many of us, behind the scenes, are breaking, unhappy, struggling BECAUSE we’re forced to lie about how we are. So don’t tell me you’re okay or great or fine if you’re not. Tell me you’re shitty. Tell me you’re tired. Tell me you’re breaking. Tell me you need a minute to cry or tell me you don’t want to talk because life is too hard. Tell me the truth…and I think if we can all vow to do just that, we’ll find a realer world, where no one is under the impression that they’re alone in their struggles. So don’t tell me you’re okay if you’re not. And I’ll do the same.
Validate Yourself. Always.
When you’re rising, reaching dreams, achieving, there will always be people around you who try to tear you down. It’s inevitable.
They’ll come for your character. They’ll try to rattle your confidence. They’ll try to grab the reins of power and put you back in the cage. They’ll wrangle you, rope you in, put a ceiling on your achievements. They’ll try to scar your reputation or misrepresent who you are. They’ll try to tell you who you are. They’ll try to make you doubt your abilities, your gifts, your purpose, your path. And sometimes, they’ll be masked as “good” people, successful people. Sometimes, they’ll do all of this with a smile on their face and poison coated in best wishes for you. But I’ve come to learn that you really, truly can’t let that shake you. Is it easy to stand tall in the face of toxicity? Not at all. Is it easy to walk into the room with red lips on when you know they’re just waiting for you to mess up? Not at all. Is it easy to stand cool, calm, and collected in who you are when they’re trying to rip you to shreds? Nope. Still, even when it’s hard, you have to turn inward. You have to steady yourself with the knowledge that you don’t need anyone else’s permission or validation to live the life that is yours. You don’t need them to validate your reputation, your knowledge, your worth. And your character, your gifts, are not affected by the poison they try to spew. Not when you’re grounded in who you are and what you want in this life. Not when you know without a doubt where you’re headed. The most valuable lesson you can learn, even if it’s the hard way, is that you don’t need their validation to stand confident, strong, and follow the path of your dreams. So keep standing tall. Keep smiling. And keep knowing that when they try to tear you down, it isn’t about you–it’s about their own insecurities, their own lack. Not you. #neverfalterinwhereyouregoing #validateyourself #youarenottheirinsecurities Don’t tell me you’re okay when you’re not.
Don’t paint on the fake smile that hurts the crevices of your mouth when you feel like you can barely hold it together. Don’t nod and say you agree when you don’t. Don’t try to point out the glitter when really, your deep-rooted wounds are bleeding. Don’t feel like you have to tell me you’re okay when you’re not. So many times, society demands us to put on a mask, to hide the dark truths of ourselves and of humanity. We smile for the camera. We put the rosy update on social media. We paint on the smile and take our voice up an octave in the professional setting because that’s what we have to do. That’s what nice girls do…they never make someone uncomfortable with realities or truths that might be less than beautiful. They tuck away the dark colored paints and only display the sunshine landscape. But I’m here to say….don’t tell me you’re okay when you’re not. Because I’m a safe space to lean when things feel shitty. I’m a listening ear when your world is falling apart or you’re barely holding it together. I don’t need you to pretend you’re okay when you’re not. I don’t need you to smile through the pain. I need you to be real, to be honest, even when it’s hard. I want you to cry if you need to. I want you to tell me you’re horrible when you are. Because I think there are too many women out there who propagate this ridiculous lie that women always have to be just fine. Life is hard, and, in truth, we’re always just seeing a tiny glimpse of who someone else is. But I think, especially as women, if we can bust up the ridiculous notion we must always smile, must always say we’re okay even when we’re not, must put on the high heels and just muscle through…if we can say no to that facade and, instead, be courageous enough to be honest…well, that’s when we can change things. That’s when we can save things. Because I think so many of us, behind the scenes, are breaking, unhappy, struggling BECAUSE we’re forced to lie about how we are. So don’t tell me you’re okay or great or fine if you’re not. Tell me you’re shitty. Tell me you’re tired. Tell me you’re breaking. Tell me you need a minute to cry or tell me you don’t want to talk because life is too hard. Tell me the truth…and I think if we can all vow to do just that, we’ll find a realer world, where no one is under the impression that they’re alone in their struggles. So don’t tell me you’re okay if you’re not. And I’ll do the same. Empower Yourself With These Tips
Stop letting them make you small.
It’s a lesson I’ve learned in this decade of my life…you have to stop letting them make you small. You have to stand up tall in your truth and ability. You have to let your voice speak up when you have something to say, even if it wavers. You have to stop letting their incessant opinions of who you are and what you should be and what you should say and how you should act chip away at the truest version of yourself. You have to stop letting them steal your credit or dismiss you. You have to stop letting them speak for you or speak at you or speak without you. You have to stand boldly in who you are. You have to celebrate your skills, gifts, talents, and experiences. You have to shine even when they try to dull you. You have to speak up even when they steal the mic from you. You have to stand up at table when they won’t give you a chair. You have to reach out and take what’s yours, even if people think it’s rude. You have to push back when they tell you to sit down, that you aren’t worthy. You have to be willing to clap for yourself when everyone else is booing you. You have to be willing to be called selfish, a bitch, ungrateful in order to claim what’s yours. It’s not easy. It isn’t. But I hope you find the courage to stand big, bold, and proud. I hope you give yourself the credit you deserve…and then recognize you are worthy of demanding it from others. I hope you never let them tell you you’re not worthy, not capable, not good enough, not whatever enough, to do that thing you know you can. I hope you find your voice and use it, even when no one seems to be listening. I hope you stop letting them make you small. One day, she looked in the mirror and realized she didn’t recognize herself.
The hair, the lipstick, the eyes were different, yes. But it was deeper than that. For when she looked in the mirror, she saw the beyond, saw the girl she used to be simultaneously with who she was and who she wanted to be–and realized how far she’d come, how much she’d changed, and how far she had yet to go. The unfurling of herself, the unraveling from their expectations and their predispositions and her own conformity had been long and winding. She hadn’t noticed the almost imperceptible changes–the rejected dogmas, the new beliefs, the ignited fire in her eyes. The desire for something more, and the willingness to step up in her high heels and grab it, even if it meant kicking in a few doors. Still, for all she knows she’s achieved, for all the better she’s found, it still scares her sometimes to look in the mirror and see that person she didn’t think she could be. For that’s the thing they don’t talk about; how becoming someone new is terrifying. To step so far out of the comfort zone, to abandon old cages you were trapped in, to wander so freely you can become anyone is to become someone you don’t know sometimes. It’s terrifying to go so far outside the lines you have to make new ones. She’s different now, true, and it’s cost her things along the way. She’s lost friends and connections. She’s lost some of the beliefs she used to hold in her heart. She’s lost perspective of who she thought she was once. She’s lost her reputation as the “always nice girl.” Sometimes, she doesn’t even feel like the same person. But in the unfurling process, she’s also gained things too, she realizes. She’s gained confidence in the knowledge she can do things that terrify her, from getting tattoos to taking ballet classes to pursuing new jobs to listening to her gut when it says she needs yet another new beginning. She’s gained a belief in herself, that she is worthy of respect, of grace, of opportunity. And more than that, she’s gained her voice, not in an Ariel sort of way…but in a deep-rooted, ruffling feathers, I am here, hear me, sort of way. She looks in the mirror and sees the red lips, the fire in her eyes, the long hair. She doesn’t quite recognize herself, but she smiles because she knows that’s more than okay. Because to really live, to really truly find fulfillment, you sometimes have to undo yourself completely. And you might not recognize yourself at first…but as she fixes that red lipstick, she smiles, knowing that’s sometimes what it takes to grab the reins of your life and become the person you were always meant to be. Singing a song I wrote from scratch. Chasing the dog in the backyard. Swinging on the swingset and then exploring behind the huge pine tree. Pretending there were magical fairies in the flowers and trying to catch them while wearing a crown. Then it was time for Polly Pockets (Back when they were ridiculously small and a definite choking hazard). Finger Painting, coloring, bike riding. The number of activities were endless. I couldn’t wait to get out of bed and get the day started. There were more things to do than I had time for, and every day was different.
When you think back to childhood, think about the penchant for adventure. Every day offered a new chance to play, to make believe, to explore, even if you were at home. There were countless activities completed in a day at whim. Your heart’s desire led a lot of your choices (and also the parental figure in your life). But the sky seemed like the limit, magic was boundless, and you knew exactly what you loved to do. Fast forward to adulthood, and it’s no wonder so many of us feel down. We chain ourselves to the 9-5 desk and pride ourselves on routine, day in and day out. We eat the same foods. We dress in the same styles, do our hair the same way, wear the same makeup. We schedule our bathroom breaks and our water breaks and take the same roads to work. We do what make sense and what saves time. We come home, carry on our routine. And we wonder why we end up feeling a bit lifeless. Mixing It Up One of the simplest mood (and life) boosters I’ve ascribed to in recent years is to mix it up. It really is that simple. I know it would be great if mix it up meant we could all sell our house, buy an RV, and travel the world without a job. I know it would be great if we didn’t have to do chores, if we had an endless wardrobe budget, and if we didn’t have to worry about things like feeding our family. Still, I think there are practical ways you can add some spice to your life and some excitement. You don’t have to have a travel budget to explore and to adventure. Some of the things I’ve done in recent years to mix it up and bring back excitement:
But what if you need a big change? Sometimes, the little, tiny changes can make a difference and help us find our spark again. But sometimes, if we’re being honest, we need something more drastic. Sometimes, despite our best efforts to mix up our routine, we still feel blah. Sometimes, we dig deeper and realize our dream, our house, our town is making us miserable. And those big changes can be TERRIFYING. Tune back in next Monday when I’ll chat about tips for making a BIG change and how to make it less scary (I left my teaching career after TEN years, something I never thought I’d do). Be sure to revisit Blog #1 about why rediscovering the magic in your life matters and blog post#2 about how incorporating positive media into your life can make a huge difference. And if you're looking for more inspiration, come join me on Instagram for more advice, inspiration, and motivation! Yes, ‘Elder’ Millennial, You Need a Crop Top Last week, I was scrolling TikTok to catch up on the Eras tour (My nightly pre-bedtime habit. I know, screens are bad before bed. But it’s my Eras era, so what can I say?) when I came across one of the many “millennial makeover” TikToks that have been popping up on my feed. The Gen Z expert helped the millennial trade her oversized cardigan, skinny jeans, and long cami for an updated look—which included a crop top. And for all the ladies in the room in their thirties or beyond, cue the gasp. Right? For as long as I can remember, the word “crop top” has been synonymous with an expletive. “I haven’t found anything in the stores lately. It’s all just crop tops,” my friends and I complain over and over. We try on shirts that hit just at the top of our jeans and tug on them, explaining that they're just not long enough. We pile into the oversized shirts, the long cardigans. We hide, we cover, we camouflage and talk about how showing too much skin just isn’t right. But as I scrolled past makeover over makeover to get back to my Taylor fix, one TikTok popped up in the same vein that gave me pause. In this Tiktok, she explained why millennial fashion is what it is. She talked about how our generation grew up with mothers who were self-conscious about weight and body image—and many of them passed that body shame onto us. So, we turned to oversized flannels, long shirts, and anything that would cover up our rolls, lumps, and bumps that we found to be embarrassing. Even though my eyelids were heavy, I popped right awake. Because up until that point in my thirty-five years, I just thought we picked our clothes because they looked good on us. I thought the crop top was just an unstylish rebellion against our generation’s long shirts and that it wasn’t something we wanted to pull off. But maybe, just maybe, I considered—our aversion to the crop top is much deeper. Maybe it has to do with our need to be covered, not for ourselves but for others. It’s a symbol of the body expectations put on us that we still accept as truth. The crop top, in essence, exposes not bodies or skin—it exposes our deep fears and self-consciousness about bodies we were told weren’t good enough. Not Skinny Enough I’ll admit—I do own one single crop top. (Why does that still feel like a confession I should be saying in a little cubicle to a priest and following with acts of penance?). It’s sequined and flashy. My husband found it at a consignment shop, thinking it would be a perfect Eras Tour top. It was five dollars, so I tried it on. Staring in the mirror at my exposed stomach, right in the section I was always told was the “area you never wanted to stick out,” I saw nothing but hateful words staring back at me. Fat. Oozing. Pudgy. Unattractive. I quickly took the top of, sighing. Still, I bought it because it was only five dollars, thinking I could layer a cami under it (We love our camis, don’t we, millennials?) or lose enough weight to make myself feel good in it. And there it is. The true sentence that should make me actually feel guilty—guilty for being so horrible to myself. Because even at thirty-five, when I thought I’d worked through so many of my issues, the truth still sticks. I don’t feel skinny enough to rock a crop top. I still think I have to hit a certain weight or a certain level of flatness to deserve to wear a crop top. The sequined crop top hangs in my closet still, mocking me every day. Did you lose enough weight yet? Is your stomach flatter? Did you pass on the cake so you can maybe wear me next month? The questions stir, and the shame stirs with it. But that single TikTok made me consider what it would take to make the crop top stop taunting me. Changing the Narrative |
L.A. DetwilerUSA TODAY Bestselling Thriller author with Avon Books (HarperCollins), The Widow Next Door, The Diary of a Serial Killer's Daughter, and other creepy thriller books Categories